Preparing for E Math is a complex challenge for most O Level students. One of the top ways is to solve E Math TYS once you have learned the whole syllabus.
E Math TYS contains the last ten years of E Math exams in an order. You can buy a hard copy of E Math TYS or download a PDF from any reliable source. In this article, we will look at how solving E Math TYS will help you ace your exam!
Benefits of E Math TYS
Here is a look at the benefits of solving E Math TYS:
Insight Into Previous Years’ Questions
As you solve the E Math papers, you get to know more about the past papers’ questions. The more you master the skill of solving the exam-style questions, the less chance of getting stuck during the final exam.
You will be able to solve every question smoothly and feel familiar with the questions when you sit for the E Math exam.
Understanding Marks Allotment
Once you have solved your E Math past papers, you also learn about the marks allocated to each topic’s question. For instance, Algebra is the most marks-gaining topic as its questions are longer and more complex than the others.
This way, you can focus more on the topics that are assessed frequently and have more weightage than the other minor topics. However, every topic is significant, and you should prepare for all of them.
Learning the Trends In Questions
E Math follows a certain trend in questions. The first question can be related to basic maths, followed by trigonometry or a geometry question.. Completing the TYS will help you understand these trends, so you can perform like a pro in your final exam.
Usually, the paper moves from easy questions to challenging questions. You should always attempt the easy ones first.
More Practice of Concept Applications
Even if you have mastered every concept in detail, you can not be perfect at its applications unless you practice. In E Math TYS, there are ten years questions of for every topic, each tested in a different way than the other. It helps you become an expert in applying the right concept to the specific question.
At times, a question can be extremely difficult to understand, and you need an expert’s guide for it. Here at Peak Tuition, we have experienced E Math tutors who will explain every question’s solutions in detail. You can learn more about our 100% money-back guaranteed trial lesson here and enroll as a student now by filling out this form!
Improves Time Management
The best part is that solving E Math Ten Year Series helps you in time management. Most students run out of time during their final exam and leave the paper incomplete. If you have practiced at least 10 years of past papers with a proper time limit, there are no chances of you running out of time!
You will be prepared for the time pressure and easily complete your paper without any panic.
How to Solve E Math TYS
These are the steps you should follow when you start solving your E Math past papers:
- Make a list of all the formulae that are part of E Math curriculum
- Open your first paper
- Set a timer for the given time limit
- Start doing each question using the correct formula required
- Leave the difficult questions for the end and move on
- Check your paper using the marking scheme
- Improve your mistakes for the next paper
Get Access to our E Math TYS PDF!
Hence, if you have completed your E Math TYS, there are minimal chances of making any mistakes in the O Level exam. You can download our free E Math TYS PDF from our website to start practicing anywhere and everywhere!